Religious network and labor migration: rethinking the integration of low-skilled migrant workers in South Korea

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Low-skilled Cambodian workers are not concerned by “multicultural programs” in South Korea. In this context, they deal with this situation through the help of religious institutions, such as the Onnuri Presbyterian Church, by recreating a sort of ethnonational community. Labour migration permits Cambodian workers to weave different kinds of social links between them, with Koreans of the peninsula, and also with Koreans in Cambodia. This article examines the singular form of integration or exclusion of these migrant workers in South Korea, and tries to demonstrate its impact on their life upon their return home.

미래사회통합연구센터 Journal of Conflict and IntegrationJournal of Conflict and Integration Vol.4 No.2 2020.1240 – 66 (27 pages) KCI등재후보

Hui-yeon Kim est maître de conférences à l’Inalco, département des études coréennes