The IFRAE’s research are structured around three axes for the years 2019-2023:
Axe 1. Language, sources and their issues
Supervisor : Makiko Andro Ueda
Deputy supervisor : Stéphane Arguillère
Theme 1. Understanding, interpreting, translating
Theme 2. Words and concepts
Axe 2. Trajectories and genealogies of contemporary East Asia
Supervisor : Chloé Froissart
Deputy supervisor : Chloé Paberz
Theme 1. States, social forces through history
Theme 2. Circulation, governance and economic change
Theme 3. Social issues : contemporary stakes in East Asia
Axe 3. History and sociology of religions in East Asia
Supervisor : Sébastien Billioud
Deputy supervisor : Zhe Ji
Theme 1. Political appropriation of religion and religious appropriation of politics
Theme 2. Cross-national religious circulations
Theme 3. The diversity of transmission conveyors of the religious discourse