Resistant Hybridities

New Narratives of Exile Tibet

→ Le livre chez l’éditeur

BHOIL S. (Ed.). (2020). Resistant Hybridities. Lexington: Rowman & Littlefield, 274p.
Introduction par Françoise Robin

With its analytic focus on the cultural production by Tibetans-in-exile, this volume examines contemporary Tibetan fiction, poetry, music, art, cinema, pamphlets, testimony, and memoir. The twelve case studies highlight the themes of Tibetans’ self-representation, politicized national consciousness, religious and cultural heritages, and resistance to the forces of colonization. This book demonstrates how Tibetan cultural narratives adjust to intercultural influences and ongoing social and political struggles in exile. (source : Rowman Littlefield)

Françoise Robin is a professor of Tibetan language and literature at Inalco in Paris. She has done extensive research on Tibetan contemporary literature and filmmaking and has translated many novels and short stories from Tibetan into French and English.